The Prophecy

"A great Dark shall make clear the light. New snow shall fall in the Land, and strong Ice shall form. Time must alter course following a Song full of spirits. When Blood stains the snow only then Stars can light the night."


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Camp & Territory

Tree Stump
This is a popular meeting place as a wolf can stand on top of the stump and look outside the camp. It is also a good place to find herbs.

Training Area
This is where In-trainings are trained. The grass is soft for fighting, and small prey can hide in the grass and in tree roots.

In-training's den
This is where the young wolves in training to become a hunter or fighter sleep. The plants around the den help keep it shaded and cool.

The Wise's den
The pack's elder wolves that are too old to keep working stay here. The moss around the den is soft and comfortable for the Wise to sit on.

Alpha's den and Gather clearing
This is where the leader lives. To call pack meetings the leader can howl from the top her den and wolves will gather nearby to listen.

This is where kits are raised and nursing or expecting mothers stay. The soft grass around the entrance makes it safe for pups.

Shaman's den
This is where herbs are stored and the sick are healed by the Shaman. A pool covers some of the den floor.

Howling den
This is where Hunters and Fighters sleep. It is a large den where many wolves talk and share prey.

Southern River Protection
This river can be dangerous, but proves useful against enemies.

Northern Rock Wall Barrier
Impossible to climb. The Shaman's den is in this wall.

The bark has been worn off over many moons. The trunk is wide and not easy to fall off.

The special island where Shamans go every time the Skylights (Northern lights) appear above Chill lake (which is about every month) ~please ignore person in the picture it was the only good one i could find

Tallroot tree
Unknown type of tree with big roots. Common hunting ground for small prey.

Elk Meadow
Huge meadow where many elk graze. Common hunting ground for large prey.

If there are other places on the map at Wolf's Haven, I will try to add them soon but currently I am too lazy :P

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